Our Consultants

Southern California

John Danskin

John has worked for Fire Safety Service, Inc., Since July of 2000.
He Retired as Captain II Los Angeles City Fire Department with 26 years of experience.
He is a Retired Colonel United States Marine Corps with 30 years of service active and reserve and a Vietnam veteran, combat pilot.
John also has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology.

Addison Birdine

Addison started working with Fire Safety Service, Inc., in January of 2018.
Addison has 31 years of experience in the area of Fire Suppression and Rescue Operations. When he retired from the Fire Department, he retired as Captain II.
His specialized training includes but is not limited to:
Task Force Commander
Station Commander
Battalion Chief
Hazardous Materials
Arson Investigation
National Incident Management
State Certified Inspector

In his personal life, he loves to travel and kick his feet up and relax. Besides traveling extensively Addison is an avid fan of Jazz (concerts & festivals) as well as dabbling in real estate. Additionally, as a team member of FSS Inc., He enjoys meeting new people while assisting them in fulfilling their required Fire & Disaster Training.

Jack Wise

We are thrilled to have Jack Wise as a new member of our family. Jack comes with a high regard of respect from the community and several of our other consultants that have personally worked with and under his guidance in the Firefighting field.
Jack started with the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1980. Through the years, he graduated from Firefighter to Apparatus Operator, Fire Captain and Retired in 2017 as a Battalion Chief. During this time, he also supervised the Disaster Preparedness and Fire Safety & Education Unit of the LA Fire Department and served 12 years on the FEMA Incident Support Teams.
Some of his many other qualifications are Safety Officer Type 1 & 2, Hazardous Materials, Operations Section Chief Type 2, and Division Supervisor.
In Jack's spare time, he spends time with his family and his Harley Club.

Jeff Rickey

Jeff started with the Los Angeles Fire Department in 1980 and retired in 2016. During those 36 years of service, 27 were directly with the Fire Department and the last 8 years of his career, he was an Inspector.
During his career, Jeff was part of the Critical Incident Stress Management Team for 23 years and was part of the Peer Support team and Hazmat for 20 years.
Jeff is another one of our consultants that came to us through Capt. Michael White and worked with Jack Wise.
In Jeff’s free time, he loves going to the gym, riding his Harley and participating with his Harley club.

Marty Avila

Marty has been with Fire Safety Service, Inc. since January of 2018.
Marty has a very interesting background in the Fire Department, with 35 years on the FD, Marty has seen and experience a lot in his lifetime as a Career Firefighter/EMT.
As a Firefighter II his duties included not only being a first responder but rescue, prevention and public education.
Towards the end of his career with the Fire Department he was an Inspector with the Bureau of Fire Prevention & Public Safety. Some of his duties with that were Fire Safety Inspections of buildings and property, which included movie/production lots.
Marty is highly qualified to conduct all of the drills you need for your facility.
In his spare time, family and football are his passions.

Luis Solano

Luis started with Fire Safety Service, Inc., in March of 2018.
Luis is one of our 3 consultants that is not retired or active duty from/with the Fire Dept. He still has a long way to go before he retires and we hope it will be many years with FSS. Luis was “handpicked” by Capt. Michael White to come work with our family. (See Capt. White’s Bio) Captain White has seen Luis’s potential and love for the job and has taken him under his wing and so has FSS.
Luis graduated with honors in 2012 from North Hollywood High school.
He then went to school and received his for Fire Technology Associates in Science Degree.
Luis has been a Squad Boss with the Angeles National Forest Wildland Firefighters since August of 2014.
When Luis is not running his butt off doing what he loves for FSS, he is playing sports and updating his brain on computer technology.

Tony Morga

Tony started with Fire Safety Service, Inc., in January of 2005.
In Tony's previous life, he was a career Fire Fighter with 22+ years of dedication to Fire Prevention. To this day, he still has the same passion and dedication to the job.
Tony retired at the rank of Firefighter III and Inspector I.
During his career he was part of the
Fire Prevention Bureau for 12 years (Fire Inspector I)
Institutional Occupancies Bureau; in this he made sure facilities were in compliance with the various codes and requirements. (Title 22, Uniformed Building Code, and Fire Codes)
Fire and Safety Educational unit to instruct employers and employees on the importance for fire safety in the work place.
He was also an instructor for all the new Fire Inspectors in his unit.
Fire Fighter III for 10 years
Fire Prevention Coordinator
Jr. Fire Program Coordinator visiting schools to teach Fire Prevention.

In Tony’s personal life? Family is the most important to him no matter where they are or doing.

Kelly Toman

Kelly spent his whole career in the fire service which began with a 4 year tour of duty with the United States Marine Corps. Kelly was an Aircraft Firefighter at El Toro Air Station and attended Santa Ana College in his off days earning his AA degree and his EMT certification. After his service time, Kelly worked for 2 small departments in the city of El Toro and Stanton. In 1980 Kelly landed his dream job with the Los Angeles Fire Department and worked there for 36 years. Kelly held the rank of Firefighter, Engineer, Captain I and Captain II. In his off days, Kelly is involved with softball with his daughter and enjoys time with family.

Sergio Pereira

Sergio started working with Fire Safety Service, Inc. in 2017
Before coming to Fire Safety Service, Sergio was with the San Diego Fire Dept for 30 years. Of those 30 years, 22 were in Fire Prevention. He retired as a Deputy Fire Marshal.
Since 2009 he has been a Fire Science Instructor.
Not only has he been successful in the Fire Department, but life as well. Not only has he been married for most of his adult life to the same wonderful woman, he has two grown daughters, a set of teenage twin boys and 6 grandchildren. Oh and a Harley. Can’t forget the Harley!

Michael White

Michael started with Fire Safety Service, Inc., in February of 2016.
Before Michael started with FSS he was a career Fire fighter of 39 years. When Michael White retired, he retired as Captain. To this day, many people that knew him in the Fire Department still call him Captain White.
Captain White is not only serious, but passionate in the field of Fire and Disaster Training and Safety and it shows in his work.
The last 10 years of his Fire Career he was in the Inspections Department. He supervised other officers in the art of Inspection, enforcement and maintenance for life and safety hazards and final approval inspections on hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes, residential care facilities, jails, prison, schools, daycare centers and churches.
Captain White also was involved with implementing policies and procedures regarding
Non-Ambulatory Day Care Facilities, Schools & Universities.
Los Angeles Unified School District Crisis planning, lockdown and shelter in place.

A few of his Special Assignments consisted of
Certifying the opening of Los Angeles County Hospital
Emergency Operation Center Region 1 Home Land Security
Set up and managed 3 Town Hall Meetings for President Obama
Set up and managed 2 Democratic Conventions

In his spare time, he loves to work on his house and spend time with his family.

Byron Dredd

Byron is a first for Fire Safety Service, Inc. Not only does he come highly recommended by Addison, (Addison watched him grow up) Byron is our first Law Officer to join our family. Byron was a Deputy Sheriff for 4 years.

Byron has three degrees ranging from Associates, a Bachelor and a Masters. He has proven himself a huge asset in the business, supervisor and leadership realm of life.

He has also proven himself very competent and outgoing with one of our most experienced consultants and passed with excellence.

In his spare time he volunteers at his church and various non-profit organizations, rides his Harley with his wife, does fitness & nutrition coaching and overall hangs out with his family.

We are very excited to have Byron in our family!

Joshua Nila

Josh has FEMA training, has taught Safety Training for large groups of people in a variety of business settings and has developed safety plans for different business. One of his passions is helping people to grow and reach their goals in whatever they do.

Josh is a husband and father of four great kids. They love spending time together at the river and training in jiu-jitsu. Josh is also training to be an airline pilot.

Frank Larez

Frank began his Fire Fighting career in 1990 with the Los Angeles Fire Department. Over the years he became well versed in Fire Suppression, High Rise Building Codes/Fire protection systems as well as code enforcement in all areas of Fire Prevention.

He started out as Firefighter and worked his way up to Firefighter/Paramedic, Captain 1, Bureau Liaison Officer and the last 18 years of his career as Captain 11.
He is certified with Hazardous Materials, the City of LA Incident Management, a State Certified Paramedic and Certified Fire Instructor.

We are very blessed and excited to have Frank join our family.

Northern California

Jeff Morelli

Jeff came to Fire Safety Service, Inc., in August of 2017.
Jeff’s experience and training far surpasses anything we can list here. Since 1990 Jeff has been involved in Fire and Disaster prevention and training. As a former member of the Oakland Fire Department, Jeff served as the CORE/CERT Emergency Preparedness Program Coordinator and lead instructor from 2011-2016. He is also is a State Certified Emergency Management Specialist by the California Office of Emergency Services CSTI Institute. His training has included disaster response, fire suppression, wildfire prevention, active shooter, first aid/CPR, hazardous materials, earthquake preparedness, high rise evacuation , disaster psychology,etc.
He was operations lead for the 2011-2013 Annual Citywide Disaster Exercise and the CERT/CORE liaison for the Oakland Fire Dept. and the Oakland Unified School District..
There is so much more we can’t list here. Just know that when Jeff comes into your facility. He is very good at what he does.
What does Jeff do on his down time? Family is his number one priority, from his wife and kids at home, to his mom back in New York. This is one active man.

Ron Chaney

Ron started with Fire Safety Service, Inc., in April of 2017.
Ron was active in the Fire Department for 30 years, of which 25 years was with the Fremont Fire Department.
Ron has recently retired as an active duty firefighter. He was Captain for the Special Operations Task Force specializing in Incident Command Systems, a Fire Captain and an Acting Battalion Chief. He was also a Paramedic and a Fire Academy Instructor.
Ron has also worked as a Set Medic/Safety Coordinator on movie sets where he was the primary source of medical care and evacuation coordination to celebrities and principles.

On the personal side of life, Ron is one lucky man that gets to hang out with the Ocean at his feet.

Patrick Murphy

Pat started with Fire Safety Service, Inc., in April of 2000.
Before Pat started his illustrious career as a Fire and Disaster Drill Trainer, he was with the City and County of San Francisco for 33 years, not only working the city beat, but climbing many stairs and in turn was able to see San Francisco from views most people don’t.
For his first 9 years in public service, Pat was a Police Officer. He decided that he wanted to fight the fires instead of the streets. That career ended up being 24 years where he retired as Inspector of the High Rise section.
Pat is an amazing teacher in this field. The knowledge he has is priceless.
“From day one my trainer and prior Fire Safety Consultant, Tony Simi, a decorated SFFD fireman told me ‘Your job is to make sure that the residents and staff of these facilities stay safe.’ That is my goal!”
On the personal side of life, he has been married 34 years to his angel Lori, whom loves him dearly. They have three daughters and two adorable granddaughters that they can’t get enough of.

Greg Fernandez

Greg has an extensive background in Fire & Disaster Training & Education. He started out with the Alameda County Fire Department in 1977 and retired as Captain in 2006. He now teaches EMS and Fire Science Courses at Chabot College.
In his spare time, he loves the outdoors, going to sporting events and spending time with family.

Ray Poydessus

Ray started out his adult life as an aircraft mechanic, and then transitioned into his Firefighting Career.

He joined the San Francisco Fire Department in 1993. During his 7 years as an active duty Firefighter, Ray retained his Firefighter 1 and II Certifications, EMT Certificate and is Heavy Rescue Certified.

Ray then transitioned into Fire Inspector for the San Francisco Fire Department for the next 5 years, inspecting new and existing life safety construction projects.

He then became a Lieutenant for Fire Prevention for the San Francisco Fire Department for the next 5 years.

Ray retired from the Fire Department after 17 years of service. Now, in is free time he enjoys playing golf with his family.

Robin Payne

Robin started his career in 1983 as a paramedic on an ambulance, but before he went into the Fire Dept., he served 6 years in the Air Force as a Pararescueman. Two years later (1985), he started in the Fire Service. Over the years, he was responsible for mentoring newly hired EMT’s and Paramedics. He was a HazMat specialist, Swift water technician 1 & 2, and sat on our EMS Quality improvement committee. He taught First Responder, EMT and Paramedic classes for 10 years and had his own First Aid and CPR business for 20 years. Robin retired in 2015 as rank of Captain. In Robins free time he likes to work out and go for ATV Trips with his family.

Tina Corbett

Tina started her career as a Safety Professional and Safety Risk Manager/ Educator in 2008.
In her extensive experience, some of what she has been involved in is conducting safety trainings for different genres’ of residential and commercial businesses, in doing this, she has been responsible for ensuring working conditions are compliant with state and local governments. She has also been responsible for the emergency procedures and emergency response plans including OSHA regulations in those places of business.
Tina brings an additional and unique scope of training for facilities.
We are very excited to have Tina on our team and family.

John Snell

John comes with very high kudos from a couple of our other consultants that have worked with him in his 30+ years in the fire department.

John started out his career in the early 80’s getting his education in Fire Science and EMT Certification.

John then started his firefighting career in 1990 with the Piedmont Fire Department. In 1993, he moved over to the Berkeley Fire Department and Retired from the same house the end of 2019.

We are very excited to have John join our family. He has a lot to offer to our facilities and their staff that we service.

Michael Patt

Michael has been in the Fire Fighting service for over 20 years. He was Lieutenant of Field Operations for first responders on an emergency calls for 16 years.

He then transferred into Fire and Building Inspection/Field Operations Dept. During these years, he was involved with many aspects within the City of San Francisco from being the Liaison to the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to collaborating with Large-Scale Developments, City Hall and much more.

Michael retired as Assistant Fire Marshal for the San Francisco Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention and Investigation.

Michael is an amazing asset; not only to Fire Safety Service, Inc., but also to the community he serves.


Chuck Collins

Chuck started with Fire Safety Service, Inc,. in January of 2018.
He first started in Fire Service as a volunteer at 18 years old with Port Richey Fire Department (Florida)
Chuck officially started as Career FF/Paramedic in 1990 Pasco County Fire Rescue (Florida) and retired as Battalion Chief and Training Coordinator from Estero Fire Rescue in Southwest Florida.
During service in Estero, he had a passion for mentoring new hires and took them under his wing.
He became an Instructor teaching multiple disciplines and subjects in classroom and practical applications.
Instructor at Fire Academy / Live Fire Instructor
Instructor EMT and Paramedic School
Medical Command Staff and Safety Officer for SWFL Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 6
Tech and Ops level certified in most Special Operations areas.

Chuck left the Fire Service in Florida on early retirement to enjoy life in the Pacific Northwest! He and his wife love the outdoors and hiking and have never looked back.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Ryan Wells

Ryan is our first Consultant for the State of Nevada and for the Las Vegas area.
Ryan is also our second Law Enforcement Officer to join our family.
Ryan’s background consists of 6 years in the Marines, He was sent overseas for Operation Iraq and left the Marines as a Sgt. He then spent 4 years as a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff, and 4 years as a Police Officer for Cal State and is currently in the Emergency Response Field.
In Ryan’s spare time, he loves to play games and spend time with his family.
Ryan’s diverse background is a great addition to Fire Safety Service, Inc.